St Fergus Gas Compressor Station: Load Sharing
case study
about the project
As part of the St Fergus Gas Emissions Reduction Project, the main contractor was tasked with ensuring the additional two VSD driven compressors could be run concurrently with the existing eight gas turbine driven compressors in a load-sharing configuration. This was the first instance of installing these compressors alongside the gas turbine variant therefore no standard commercial solution was available.
A solution was required to design, validate and implement an improved load sharing algorithm for both VSD and Gas Turbine driven compressors to optimise the overall plant efficiency with a target of reducing plant environmental emissions.
Lagoni were tasked with identifying a control strategy that was capable of operating with both gas turbines and electrical driven compressors, optimising plant efficiency with a focus on reducing the overall site emissions.
We implemented an innovative control algorithm and a bespoke testing platform (to improve efficiencies in the development process). The result was successful implementation and reduced cost in the overall process. The novel control methodology has subsequently been implemented at another similar site.