Lagoni is a technical services provider with over 10 years’ operating experience in the energy sector. Specialising in engineering, consultancy and software realisation, our service offering covers the entire life cycle of assets from concept design, FEED, detailed design, installation, commissioning, operations and decommissioning.


Working with a variety of clients and partners, including operators, owners, EPC Contractors  and system integrators, Lagoni provides solutions and services within the following areas:

• Technical Safety

• Engineering, Design and Project Management

• Consultancy

• Operational Technology and Software Solutions


Innovation and the application of emerging technologies lie at the heart of Lagoni, with a dedicated Innovations Team and a number of live industry-focused projects.


Our passion for engineering creates a natural incubator for  innovation and innovative solutions. We are proud to surround ourselves with high calibre engineers, with diverse skills and experience across consulting, engineering delivery and project management to address complex problems faced by our clients and stakeholders.


We believe, that by applying new thinking and innovative approaches to grass roots engineering, we can help drive the future of how the industry operates.