Kirriemuir and St Fergus Gas Compressor Station – IMCA Consultancy Services
case study
about the project
St Fergus and Kirriemuir are two key gas compression and terminal sites situated within the UK, which are being upgraded by the replacement of their gas fueled turbine engines with new 35MW electrical variable speed driven compressors. This project has an estimated value in excess of £90m. The new variable speed drives will provide reduced carbon footprint, increased operational efficiency and commercial benefits for the end user.
Throughout each project, Lagoni have provided IMCA consultancy services to the EPC contractor. This has included: control and instrumentation design; implementation services in collaboration with the system integrator (Rockwell Automation); commissioning / on-going support and training.
Key deliverables:
• Development of both the user and control System Requirement Specifications (SRS) for the advanced Process Control System (PCS) for the new 35MW gas compressor units.
• Designed the safety system in accordance with IEC-61508 and IEC-61511. We chaired and attended several Formal Process Safety Assessments (FPSA’s) such as Hazard and Operability (HAZOP), Control Systems Hazards and Operability (CHAZOP), and Safety Integrity Level (SIL) studies and documented the resulting functional safety requirements.
• Specified and designed the new RTU/Telemetry system to transmit key operational data from the new compressor unit to the remote operational centre.
• All of the control systems were designed to operate using standard Ethernet network topology. For each site a different approach was adopted; one was implemented using the Allen Bradley ControlLogix Platform and the other using the Siemens PCS7.
• Following implementation, we supplied a commissioning team to deliver the advanced process control and safety system, in collaboration with the system integrator and delivered both on and off-site general system and project specific operator training.